
Our Philosophy for Giving

God gave: He was generous to mankind with His best. The Bible encourages us to be generous with our time, spiritual gifts, money, hospitality and empathy.

Accra Community Church encourages its members to be generous with their financial gifts; to cheerfully give out of freewill and out of love.


Tithes & Offerings

We are stewards of God’s financial resources. As such, we freely and joyfully give a portion of the financial resources He has given us to further His work in our local church through tithes and offerings.

 5+5 Giving Programme


We believe we are ambassadors of God`s grace who must represent Him here on earth in expressing how He feels about humanity.

Jesus tells us in James 1:27 that: “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress […].”

We believe in giving to support orphans, widows and the vulnerable in our community and achieve this through our 5+5 Giving Programme. The 5+5 Giving Programme is based on the principle of the tithe (10% of one’s earnings and income).  At Accra Community Church, we encourage our members to commit to giving 50% of their tithe to the church and the other 50% to our community programmes to support the vulnerable.